India's Param Foundation opens new science centers

India’s Param Foundation opens new science centers

Inavamsi Enaganti has long been a dreamer. She keeps an ever-evolving list of life goals, checking them off as she achieves them and then adding more. One childhood dream burned particularly brightly in his mind: Create a science-focused theme park. Enaganti is now working on a version of that dream through India’s Param Foundation. The […]

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6G-AI mashups will reshape the telecom industry

6G-AI mashups will reshape the telecom industry

In addition to faster data rates and more reliable services, the next generation of wireless networks – 6G – is expected to meet increasing demands for data transfer speed and coverage, plus new applications arising from artificial intelligence. Telecommunications is one of the many industries expected to be affected by artificial intelligence. With AI, 6G […]

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